#Questionnaires #sondage #statistiques

Pour faire des questionnaires :


Poll Everywhere

QuizProvaS is a complete multiple choice quiz management system, that allows you to register teachers, disciplines and students, create a questions and tests database, and apply a quiz to and entire class simultaneously. Based on MariaDB (MySQL), Apache and PHP language,it's a web based application that can generate tests and classes result reports. It's randomize the selected questions...

Autres :
IRAMUTEQ : Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires. Logiciel de traitement de données pour des corpus texte ou de type individus/caractères. Permet notamment de réaliser des analyses de type "ALCESTE". www.iramuteq.org

#Scripts #recherches

Afficher des résultats instantanés en utilisant jQuery, XML et PHP

Tutorial JQuery : formulaire de recherche en Ajax
Un moteur de recherche interne à la page en javascript :
<script language="JavaScript">
/* Ce script a été réalisé par Mike Hall (MHall75819@aol.com) */
var NS4 = (document.layers);
var IE4 = (document.all);
var win = window;
var n = 0;
function Rechercher(str) {
var txt, i, found;
if (str == "")
return false;
if (NS4) {
if (!win.find(str))
while(win.find(str, false, true))
// Si le mot n'a pas été trouvé (Netscape)
if (n == 0)
alert("Pas trouvé !");
if (IE4) {
txt = win.document.body.createTextRange();
// Find the nth match from the top of the page.
for (i = 0; i <= n && (found = txt.findText(str)) != false; i++) {
txt.moveStart("character", 1);
if (found) {
txt.moveStart("character", -1);
else {
if (n > 0) {
n = 0;
// Si le mot n'a pas été trouvé (Explorer)
alert("Pas trouvé !");
return false;

<form name="Recherche" onSubmit="return Rechercher(this.mot.value);">
<input name="mot" type="text" size=20 onChange="n = 0;">
<input type="submit" value="Rechercher">

vendredi 19 juin 2015

#Oldies #Sasfepu #Emulation #Retro

Amiga France
Amiga stuff
Aoakley ATARI ST
ARAnyM Nouveau clone informatique Atari 32 bits. Machine virtuelle en cours d'exécution sur votre système d'exploitation préféré. Plus rapide que n'importe quelle machine compatible Atari jamais réalisée, avec de meilleurs graphiques et plus de mémoire. C'est ARAnyM.
Arnaud Bercegeay
AtariAge - Harmonycart
CPC Tipps

GNOME Video Arcade is a simple MAME frontend for the GNOME desktop. It supports both the xmame and sdlmame ports of MAME for GNU/Linux and other UNIX-like operating systems, and can utilize third-party data files like arcade history and game categories. GNOME Video Arcade recognizes that the frontend is not the point; the games are. As such, its chief design goal is to help you quickly find a game to play and then get out of the way. Its purpose is not to help you manage your ROM collection, nor to provide a confusing graphical interface for MAME's plethora of configuration options.
Groovy Arcade Linux is an up to date GNU/Linux system, in 64 or 32 bit liveCD/liveUSB versions. It can be installed from the LiveCD onto the hard drive, or booted from a USB flash drive. It has the current bleeding edge Linux DRM with Kernel Mode Switching and includes patches to allow 15Khz operation for Arcade Monitors and NTSC/PAL TV output. It uses the newest versions of Xorg so that the Vsync works with OpenGL without tearing and running with the vertical refresh rate of the monitor. It uses AdvanceMAME or WahCade as a frontend. It uses a custom C program named SwitchRes that utilzes Xrandr and a custom modeline generator to dynamically mode switch to the most optimal resolution for emulation on an Arcade Monitor or other monitor types. Basically everything is just about done for you in the LiveCD and you can enjoy almost flawless emulation, depending on your Arcade Monitors capabilities, and not have to do much technical setup or work at building things from source.
Java CPC Destop Emulator Amstrad CPC-Emulator in JAVA, based on JEMU by R. Wilson. I am searching for good JAVA-coders who are also knowledgable in emulating 8bit homecomputers.
Retro gaming qui supporte 18 formats de jeux : un Amstrad GX4000, une Atari 7800, une Colecovision, une Mattel Intellivision, une NeoGeo MV5, une NES, une SNES, une N64, une Gamecube une Game Boy Advance, une Sega Master System, Megadrive, une Saturn, une Dreamcast, une Sony PlayStation 2, et une TurboGrafx-16.
LDG signifie Gem Dynamical Libraries (en fait Librairies Dynamiques GEM en français). C'est un système permettant aux applications GEM de charger et de partager des modules externes. Par exemple, une visionneuse d'image pourrait utiliser le plugin JPEG.LDG pour charger une image jpeg ... et dans le même temps, un autre programme peut utiliser le même plugin JPEG.LDG pour charger un anneau ou pour enregistrer une image. Vous trouverez plus tard quelques exemples de programmes utilisant le système LDG.
Le grenier informatique
Mag MO5
mmSAP is SAP (Slight atari player) player based on ASAP library that uses ALSA for audio output and has GTK+ 3.0 based GUI. SAP is a special file format that is used to store POKEY-based Atari XL/XE music.
Musé informatique du Mans
Obligement est un magazine en ligne (webzine) dédié au monde de l'Amiga
Old-computers museum
osFree est un projet de développement de système d'exploitation gratuit (Open Source) , visant à remplacer éventuellement tous les sous-systèmes OS / 2 par des analogues Open Source. Il vise OS / 2 Warp 4 (Merlin) en tant que système de compatibilité de base, ce qui ne signifie pas que nous ne prendrons pas en charge les fonctionnalités des versions OS / 2 Warp Server pour e-business et eComStation ) OS / 2. Cela inclut la réécriture non seulement du code utilisateur, mais aussi du noyau OS / 2. télécharger osFree
Overclockage sur Amiga 500 rev6
Patrice Mandin -> PMandin.atari.org
Murga-linux Lets you play retro games

QMC2 – M.A.M.E./M.E.S.S. Catalog / Launcher II is the successor of one of the first UNIX M.A.M.E. GUI front ends available on this planet called QMamecat
Silicium le musé de l'informatique
ST Magazine
Stella is a multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator. It allows you to play all of your favorite Atari 2600 games again! Stella was originally developed for Linux by Bradford W. Mott, however, it has been ported to a number of other platforms.
STYMulator  Lecteur de musiques Atari
Tuning : un PC dans un Atari ST
vmwaros Emulation Amiga


jeudi 18 juin 2015

Outils HTML


lundi 15 juin 2015

Applications en Tray-icon pratiques pour le bureau

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install nom-du-paquet
calendar-indicator An indicator for Google Calendar
google-tasks-indicator An indicator for Google Tasks
my-weather-indicator Get weather information for your town
pushbullet-indicator An indicator for working with PushBullet
youtube-indicator An indicator to download videos from YouTube

With YouTube-Indicator you can download videos from YouTube,
selecting quality for video.


sudo add-apt-repository indicator-netspeed-unity
sudo apt-get update
ap-get install indicator-netspeed-unity


classicmenu-indicator indicateur montrant le menu principal de Gnome Classique


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thefanclub/grive-tools
sudo apt-get update
apt-get install grive-tools


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gun101/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guake-indicator


//sudo add-apt-repository ppa:albertomilone/hamster-indicator (ancien)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install hamster-indicator
Le projet Hamster vous aide à garder une trace du temps que vous passez
dans vos diverses activités journalières. Chaque fois que vous passez
d'une tâche à une autre, vous modifiez votre activité actuelle dans
l'application Hamster.
Il peut afficher des graphiques statistiques sur le temps passé sur chaque
tâche. Il peut servir à la gestion de projet ou à suivre le temps de
travail des employés.

hexchat-indicator Xchat Indicator Plugin
kopete-message-indicator extension Kopete pour l'indicateur de message
pidgin-indicator Ubuntu Indicator Plugin for Pidgin
pushbullet-indicator An indicator for working with PushBullet
You can send addresses, files, links, lists and notes to the configurated devices on PushBullet
telepathy-indicator Service de bureau pour intégrer Telepathy avec le menu de messagerie.
touchpad-indicator  An indicator for the touchpad
With Touchpad-Indicator you can enable or disable the touchpad, with shortcuts
or by clicking on menu. Besides, it enables or disables the touchpad, when
the computer returns from hibernation.
xfce4-indicator-plugin Greffon pour afficher les informations des applications dans le tableau de bord Xfce4

#Genealogie #genealogy

  • A Java app for the entry, storage, and networking of genealogical information. Unlike most other genealogical database programs, Genealogy uses the rich GENTECH model rather than a custom one or GEDCOM, and can network remote genealogical databases.
  • AhnConvert Icon
    Showing usage instructions
    This converter bridges from the .ahn file format into GEDCOM 5.5.1, It's a command-line tool written in Java. AhnConvert allows family data, laboriously grabbed decades ago surviving into state-of-the art genealogy software products. The software "Familien Chronik" by Reiner W. Dudde was a genealogy software published by Data Becker as part of the "Goldene Serie" series, back in the 1990's. ... Read more.
  • HuMo-gen genealogy software Icon
    HuMo-gen family screen
    HuMo-gen is an open-source server-side genealogy program, that dynamically displays genealogical data from a MySQL database as a website with numerous reports and charts. Webmasters can do online editing and users may choose from several languages.
  • gramps Icon
    Pedigree View - version 3.0.x
    Gramps is a genealogy program for Linux, Windows, Mac, and FreeBSD that allows you to easily build and keep track of your family tree. It supports the GEDCOM standard, allows fine grained privacy controls and can generate many different types of reports (descendant trees, graphs, connection diagrams, ....)
  • HistoryCal Icon
    Date conversion
    HistoryCal is a practical calculator designed to work with historical dates and calendars. The calculator will allow you to work with many different world calendar schemes and calculate ranges and ages based on these calendars. The calculator also has a script language that allows you to create variations of the built-in calendars: calendars that shift the new year to a different day; hybrid ... Read more.
  • jeneo Icon
    Commen view
    A WISIWIG pedigree tree editor based on python. Jeneo allow you to create your pedigree tree visually, add pedigree links (child) and (i need that feature first off all - in fact that is why a i've written this app) add photos to your relatives.
  • cfe Icon
    Sample app - Family Tree
    Sophisticated environment for developing web-based applications. It includes lots of handy low-level components including: 1/ mySql interface, including table creation, tables as class, query as iterator 2/ html generation 3/ multi-lingual ability 4/ html form field handling 5/ etc. On top of this is a high-level framework that allows rapid development of database apps including ... Read more.
  • Ancestris Icon
    Main window
    Ancestris is a genealogy program written in Java. It works under any operating system, Windows, Linux, MacOS. Ancestris is developed under GNU General Public License. Ancestris is a genealogy software that closely respects the GEDCOM 5.5 standard which will allow you to work on files that are reliable and that you can exchange and share without losing data. In addition to the editors (Ancestris ... Read more.
  • Free Online Mindmap - MindMup  Icon
    MindMup - Online Mindmap
    Powered by http://www.best-price-performance.com Access your data anywhere, from any device. Use our free cloud storage for public mindmaps. Store private mind maps on Google Drive, with detailed access and sharing control. All this without the need to register, have accounts or remember passwords. Productive: User interface automatically adjusts to touch displays or desktops/laptops ... Read more.
  • Rodovid Icon
    General Properties of Individual
    Rodovid is a drag-n-drop genealogic program for Linux or Windows based on Tk, Perl. You can edit info (name, sex, dates of birth, death, marriage, etc...) for individuals, add/remove photos, import and export GEDCOM data, creating sites like http://www.mishchenko.tk.
    >> paquet debian
  • gramps-addons Icon
    Census addon
    This is a collection of plugins for Gramps open source genealogy application. These addons extend Gramps functionality with additional reports, gramplets, tools, and views. For more information on Gramps, see http://gramps-project.org/
  • HistoryLoc Icon
    The goal of the HistoryLoc project is to develop a practical means to track place names over time. It will do this by developing a C/C++ library and a reference program.
  • FinFamily Icon

    ... database for storage. FinFamily has extra features for Finnish genealogy but is not limited to Finland. ...
    Map of finland with my greatgrandfathers descendants
    FinFamily is an application for managing your genealogical data. The java application is swing based with Webstart option. It uses PostgreSQL database for storage. FinFamily has extra features for Finnish genealogy but is not limited to Finland.
  • JFamily Icon
    Graphical Tree View
    JFamily is a browser and editor for genealogic data. The data are displayed in a graphical family tree.
  • gedbook Icon

    Book generator from gedcom data
  • GeneoTree Icon
    GeneoTree Graph
    Genealogy Software. Geneotree is a gedcom files PHP viewer, full dynamic on the Web. Main features : dynamic trees, cartography & stats. Many PDF reports, statistics. Special consanguinity and cousins lists. Large files management & optimized ergonomy.
  • GenealogyJ Icon
    Family Tree
    GenealogyJ is a viewer and editor for genealogic data, suitable for hobbyist, family historian and genealogy researcher. GenJ supports the Gedcom standard, is written in Java and offers many views like family tree, table, timeline, geography and more.
  • Trancestris Icon
    Trancestris is the translation tool for Ancestris, our genealogy program. Written in Java, trancestris is available for all OS.
  • phpmyfamily Icon

    phpmyfamily is a dynamic genealogy website builder allowing geographically dispersed family members to co-ordinate and share research. Users can import and export GEDCOM files, upload images and document transcripts and monitor changes to individuals.
  • java family tree Icon
  • Programmable Calendric Calculator Icon
    This calculator will allow you to convert between many different world calendar schemes and calculate ranges and ages based on these calendars. The calculator also has a script language that allows you to create variations of the built-in calendars: calendars that shift the new year to a different day, hybrid calendars that switch between schemes, local observational calendars that depend on a ... Read more.
  • D&D Vital Statistics Icon
    This project began years ago when I decided to combine two of my hobbies into one; genealogy and Dungeons and Dragons. I enjoyed creating family trees for my characters, but I found it very laborious to come up with all of the dates I needed, so I sat down and wrote a little program to randomly generate birth and death dates for each of the Player’s Handbook races. Over the years, I added and ... Read more.
  • Scriptoria Icon
    Scriptoria is a program that helps you to transcribe scanned old documents, with an interface that combines a text editor and an image viewer.
  • PhpGedView Icon
    Family view with the content of Reports Menu (Ocean theme)
    PhpGedView is a revolutionary genealogy program which allows you to view and edit your genealogy on your website. It has full privacy functions, can import from GEDCOM files, and supports multimedia. It also simplifies family collaboration.
  • Calizo Icon
    Calizo 0.2.0 on MacOSX
    Calizo is a calendar with a zoomable timeline. Unlimited zooming allows to manage historic, genealogical, biographic data, everyday tasks, projects or life plans - for scheduling, genealogy, project management, todo lists, link- and file- organizatio
  • The Family Pack Icon
    The Family Pack is a multi-platform genealogy program with a new evidence based database. All the standard genealogy program features are planned plus some new and novel ones.
  • GeneWeb est un logiciel de généalogie doté d'une interface Web, utilisable aussi bien sur un ordinateur non connecté au réseau qu'en service Web, initialement conçu par Daniel de Rauglaudre.
    GeneWeb, logiciel libre sous licence GNU, est disponible pour Unix, Linux, Microsoft Windows et Mac OS X. >> 
  • apt-get install geneweb

Sur Android :

Ancestris /Ubuntu

La méthode ci-après décrit l'installation d'Ancestris pour (K,X,L,U)buntu 12.04, et 14.04 and 16.04.

Version stable 0.9

Etape 1 : Ajout du dépôt Ancestris.
Tapez dans un terminal :
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ancestris/ancestris-9-0
(Faites un copier-coller de la ligne ci-dessus dans un terminal. Ce sera plus simple. Pour ouvrir un Terminal, vous faites "Applications" puis "Accessoires", puis dans le menu déroulant, vous trouverez "Terminal". Sinon sur le forum d'Ubuntu, on vous explique comment faire).

Etape 2 : Mise a jour de vos dépôts
Toujours dans le terminal, tapez :
    sudo apt-get update

Etape 3 : Installation d'Ancestris
Puis :
    sudo apt-get install ancestris