lundi 15 juin 2015

#Gestion #documents #Fichiers #PDF #factures #serveur

ABC ERP application to manage Customers, Providers, Orders, Inovices and Stocktaking addressed to SMEs.

apgForm PHP file capable of processing web forms and saving them directly into an Excel file.

Aspose.Pdf is a Java component to create PDF documents without using Adobe Acrobat. It supports floating boxes, PDF form fields, PDF attachments, security, footnotes and end notes, multiple-column documents...

Babel Fatture
BNC cash Ceci est un projet destiné aux professionels qui tiennent leur comptabilité avec GnuCash. Pour le moment, il régènere le formulaire 2035.


IT Multicompany finance application written in PHP using a MySql database backend for small to medium enterprise. It lets you write invoices, manage stock, manage orders , accounting, etc. Send tax receipt to electronic cash register.

cg-invoice is a PHP, HTML simple yet productive way to write invoices and then retrieve the client data in more than one way. You can pull up the entire database of customer invoices in a shortened convenient table or you can reprint the invoice as it was originally written. There is one SQL table entry and five files, all .php except the index.html which makes it esay to put the entire program into a folder where you call up the program from a URL. Scripts written for MySQL and phpMyAdmin to run on an Apache type host/server.


Creme CRM


Diacamma Logiciel de Gestion D’Association, modulaire, libre et gratuit, Diacamma répond aux besoins des dirigeants d’associations sportives ou culturelles en fonction desquels il a été conçu.

Document Management
 Shows files that are uploaded to database Files can be deleted or downloaded  Uses PHP, SQLite, Apache HTTP Server.

Dolibarr ERP - CRM is an easy to use ERP and CRM software (run as web php or standalone) for small to mid-sized businesses, foundations or freelancers (inventory, warehouse, order, invoice, shipment, POS, members for foundations, bank accounts...). Dolibarr is also available with auto-installers for users with no technical knowledges to install Dolibarr and all its prerequisites (Apache, Mysql, PHP) with just one package. Available platforms for such packages are: Windows, MacOS, Debian, Ubuntu, Redhat, Fedora, OpenSuse, Mandriva, Mageia. Other platform can use the generic distribution. This is a modular product, than can be enhanced with tons of external modules to provide you features not available by default.

Fanurio logiciel Multiplateformes et libre

FOPLaboratory is meant to help the developer of XSL/FO style-sheets. This utility shall facilitate the repeated transformation of one and the same XML-file to PDF. Its main feature is therefor the capability to restore the configuration of one transformation job for a later run. When XML-contents or the XSL style-sheet change, you can just execute FOPLaboratory and immediately start processing to create an updated PDF-file.

Gestinux Accounting and billing software, developed using LAZARUS, for Linux, Windows (and Mac OS/X asap). Local executable, quick and easy to install. Can create and use local or remote MySql or PostgreSql databases. English and French translations. Ready to be translated by non IT specialists, using a translation module included.


HTML2PDF est un convertisseur de code HTML vers PDF écrit en PHP4 (utilise FPDF) et PHP5 (utilise TCPDF). Il permet la conversion de code HTML 4.01 valide au format PDF, et est distribué sous license LGPL. Cette librairie a été faite pour faciliter la création de fichiers PDF, non pour convertir directement une page HTML. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les balises <html>, <head>, <body>. Lisez attentivement les exemples.

html2pdf vidtut


JasperReports Server is a stand-alone and embeddable reporting server, enabling delivery of mission critical information on a real-time or scheduled basis to the web, to the printer, or to a variety of file formats. Build a report in iReport and then deploy it to JasperReports Server. The report can then be executed, exported to a desired output, or scheduled to execute at a later date. FEATURES

jointarcrm is a free online invoicing application written in PHP with mysql database. Jointar uses Paypal for your secure payments.


LabelGrid The CSS and Javascript project for building label printing software on the web.

LundiMatin Grâce à notre logiciel de gestion commerciale 100% Web, accédez à 100% de vos factures, à 100% de vos contacts,

MYIT CRM is a total CRM project designed for Computer Servicing and Repairs.This project has Invoicing, Work Order management,Customers Details (CRM),Payment processing (Paypal, Paymate, etc),Job Scheduling and Calendar,PDF Invoices and lots more.

Openbravo est un Progiciel de Gestion Intégré (PGI) basé sur les technologies Web, J2EE et Ajax. Il est destiné principalement aux PME/PMI. Il est constitué d'un ensemble de modules qui correspondent aux fonctions de PGI suivantes : Gestion de données de base, des achats, des stocks et de la production, Calcul des besoins et planification (MRP), Administration des ventes, Gestion des projets et services, Comptabilité financière.

CRM, gestion des ventes, facturation, gestion de projets, carnet d adresses, ...

OpenTBS create OpenOffice and Ms Office documents with PHP.

OpenZ The high quality Web-Based OpenSource ERP-System. A Fork from Openbravo with priority on fully interated ERP-Processes with emphasis on fully functional Modules especially for Countrys with complex fiscal laws like Germany.


Creation of a printable directory in pdf format. Uses: church groups, sports teams etc. Selected members of the org. directly enter information on members, teams, clubs etc. Upload offline created pdf files. Auto Gen ouput from member info.
PDFKit A powerful library for generating PDF files in Node.js, with support for working with text, vector and some image-based content PDFKit can be used to create multi-page, printable, complex PDF files, without the aid of a desktop software, just from pure JavaScript code.

PdfParser standalone PHP library, provides various tools to extract data from a PDF file.


PhpMySport est un logiciel web destiné à tous les clubs de sport collectif désireux de créer rapidement leur site Internet. Football, handball, volley, basket, hockey, waterpolo, etc, il s'adapte à tous lessports d'équipe. Grâce à ses nombreuses fonctionnalités, vous allez pouvoir gérer les matchs, les joueurs, les compositions d'équipesmais aussi diffuser l'actualité de votre club, animer un forum de discussion et bien plus encore !
Réalisé en PHP et couplé à une base de données MySQL, phpMySport fait partie des CMS (Content Management System), c'est à dire qu'il s'agit d'un système de gestion de contenu permettant de concevoir et de gérer simplement un site Internet. Conçu spécialement pour les clubs amateurs, il se différencie par ses aspects "sportifs" mais conserve ce qui fait les plus d'un CMS : personnalisation du design, éditeur de texte WYSIWYG, gestion simplifiée, gestion multi-utilisateurs, etc.
En d'autres termes, phpMySport offre un site web complet qui s'adapte aux couleurs de votre club et qui de plus est entièrement gratuit... PHPMySport

phreebooks Web-based (ERP) accounting. Management of inventory (labor, stock and assemblies), customer/vendor accounts, banking, shipping. POS. Standard/Custom reports. Multi-user level security. Interface to e-commerce, Multi-language, currency, company capable.


 - is a computer system designed to generate reports in popular office formats - PDF, XLS, RTF, HTML, TXT, XML, CSV. These reports are generated based on the definition in the internal database system. The report definition conditional statements can be used, which greatly affects the diversity of reports generated on the basis of one and the same definition. ProReports also supports jrxml (JasperReport) format. This type of report templates can be prepared external editor, such as iReport. User decides which form of reporting suits him more. With import and export options, templates, reports, both internal and format jrxml which can be easily transferred between different instances of ProReports. Blog + FAQ

 est un outil visuel WYSIWYG permettant de générer des états d'impression PDF à partir d'une source de données (SQL).


SimpleInvoices permet de créer des factures et des devis très facilement, mais ce n’est pas un logiciel de compta, plutôt une gestion de stocks, de ventes et de commandes. Installation sur serveur local ou distant (authentification) Création de factures et devis dans un navigateur. Paramétrable avec les données locales (format des dates, devises, taxes,.) Mise en page modifiable par CSS et modèles Tableaux de bord succincts mais pratiques Le top : création de PDF à la volée et envoi des factures par email intégré.

VmInvoiceManager joomla is a Joomla CMS components that produces invoice for Virtuemart orders Vm Invoice Manager produces invoice for Virtuemart's order send pdf invoice as email's attachment print out invoice(s) as pdf document (products attribute included) produces delivery documents print out delivery document(s) as pdf document print address label for delivery multi-languages supported

 has been designed to generate dynamicly PDF document from XML template. XML documents are human readable and can be easily injected into a template engine allowing to add custom content, that's why I choose to start from XML to create PDF documents. Xml2Pdf manage images, tables, internal and external links, charts, barcode, and of course text formating.

XMLWorker is an extra component for iText®, a Free/Open Source PDF library. The first XML to PDF implementation, is a new version of the old HTMLWorker that used to be shipped with iText.

XosC Xoops
XosC is a full eCommerce and invoicing solution for Xoops CMS. XosC is an adaptation of osCommerce.

XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) est l’outil de prédilection pour générer du PDF. Voici une petite introduction pratique à son maniement.

xTuple PostBooks propose aux entreprises de toute taille un CRM (Customer Relationship Management), un ERP (Entreprise Ressource Planning) et un outil de comptabilité intégré complet et open source. L'application se base sur le noyau de la suite xTuple ERP Suite maintes fois primée. xTuple PostBooks intègre des focntionnalités de comptabilité telle que la tenue des livres de comptes, les rapprochements bancaires débiteurs et créditeurs ou encore les rapports financiers. En tant que CRM, le logiciel dispose d'un annuaire universel d'adresses, de gestionnaires d'incident, d'opportunités et de projets, de listes "à faire", etc. Enfin, xTuple PostBooks dispose d'un module de gestion d'inventaire et de vente de produit.
Formatting markup WYSIWYG editor & PDF tree BookMark. XML document which is most often used as PDFs or RTF generator. It can read and edit 95% from Apache fop sample. Export to fo,pdf,rtf,tif fax, page, Import fo,html,page,odt OpenOffice 1-2
Free open source ERP, accounting, CRM package for small to midsized businesses. Runs on Linux, Mac, and Windows (built with open source Qt framework). Business logic resides in PostgreSQL database. Rich API for connecting to third-party apps.

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