samedi 13 juin 2015

#NAZverryPie #Raspberry #owncloud #SAMBA #rsync #Domoticz #Apache #Webmin #miniDLNA ...

NAZverryPie :
This script takes opensource packages to create a NAS out of a Raspberry Pi.

It uses a simpel ui to create a userfriendly and almost-unattended install of the following popular packages on your RPI:
- NZBget
- ownCloud
- vsFTP daemon
- rsync
- Domoticz
- Apache
- MySql and phpmyadmin
- Webmin
- miniDLNA

Besides this, it automatically sets up fstab to enable automatic mounting of volumes connected to the Pi

A simple HTML site is provided for ease of access to all the lovely software created by others. The UI allows to add webcams and links to other (local) servers such as a synology NAS, router, etc.

Installscripts will also run independently using commandline and arguments if you don't want to install the full suite.

Other tools to be included: transmission, openvpn, etc...
/forum raspberry

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