mardi 29 avril 2014


Baalue_sdk Banana Pi CAN Cluster

CERN Document Server
Ka Clustering Tools  /sourceforge
LCMC Linux Cluster Management Console : GUI application that configures, manages and visualizes high-availability clusters. Specifically it manages clusters that use one or more of these components: Pacemaker, Corosync, Heartbeat, DRBD, KVM, XEN and LVM.
Le guide LHC du CERN
Lemanicus Blue Gene/Q Supercomputer
Open Compute

PelicanHPC is an iso-hybrid (CD or USB) image that let's you set up a high performance computing cluster in a few minutes. A Pelican cluster allows you to do parallel computing using MPI. You can run Pelican on a single multiple core machine to use all cores to solve a problem, or you can network multiple computers together to make a cluster. The frontend node (either a real computer or a virtual ...

David Guil raspi cluster

  Shane's raspi cluster
Southampton's lego 64 pi cluster

Terminus raspi cluster

Créer un cluster de Raspberry Pi avec Docker Swarm

Parallella Community


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